LoansUOB Home Loan

UOB Home Loan

Loan approval is based on bank's criteria and guideline

  • Borrow when necessary and within your means
  • Effective interest rate throughout the loan contract tenor is from 6.13% to 7.15% p.a.*

* These effective interest rate may be changed subject to bank's interest rate promotion at that time. The assumption of calculation is based on MRR (as of October 4, 2023) = 8.80% p.a. which may be increased or decreased from time to time. Details of calculation, please click.

Product Features

Product Features
    • For new house, the maximum loan is 95-100% of the purchases price but no over 100% of the appraised value of the Property and  90-95% for upcountry (For Condominium, maximum loan is 95% of the purchases price but no over 100% of the appraised value and 75-90% for upcountry )
    • For 2nd hand house, the maximum loan is 95-100% of the appraised value and  80-90% for upcountry  (For Condominium, maximum loan is 95-100% of the  appraised value and 75-90% for upcountry).
    • For Construction, the maximum loan is 85% of appraised land value and construction value (70% for land value and 100% for construction value).
    • Maximum loan tenor is up to 30 years
    • Maximum loan amount is THB 50,000,000 (THB 15-30 million for upcountry).


    • The above maximum loan amount or Loan to Value (LTV) must not exceed LTV of BOT Regulation
    • To enjoy Product Features above, customer and/or property collateral must be qualified as per bank’s credit criterions.

    Qualifications of Applicants

    Applicant’s Basic Qualification
    • Thai nationality
    • Minimum salary of THB 20,000 per month
    • At least 2 years of working experience (3 years if self-employed)
    • At least 21 years old, Age + loan tenor: 
      • must not exceed 70 years. for Salaried income and Government Sector
      • must not exceed 75 years. for Self-employed

    Personal documents of the applicant.

    • Identification card
    • Household registration
    • Marriage license or letter of divorce (if any)
    • Letter of change of name or surname (if any)
    • Identification card and household registration of spouse (if any)

    Collateral related documents.

    • Every page of the title deed to property
    • Purchase and Sale Agreement of property
    • Evidence of down payment
    • In the case of refinancing from another financial institution
      • Purchase and Sale Agreement of property. (Tor Dor. 13)
      • Evidence of 12 consecutive months of payment
      • Loan and mortgage   agreement
    • In the case of Construction
      • Construction permission certificate
      • Architectural blueprint/ drawings
      • Construction quotation/ agreement

    Financial documents.

    • Latest pay slip and letter of employment (original copy)
    • The past 6 months of bank statements
    • For self-employed application only:
      • Business registration
      • Letter of certification from   the Ministry of Commerce
      • Corporate affidavit

    Remark: Bank reserves the right to change the conditions without making prior notice.
     Current MRR interest rate is per bank's announcement

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