
  1. Maximum facility limit of 5,000,000 Baht
  2. No collateral is required (Guarantee by SCBG)
  3. Benefit from Commercial Loan with competitive rates
  4. Maximum tenure for 5 years

Features and Eligibility

  1. Individual or Juristic with annual revenues generally ranging no more than 400,000,000 Baht
  2. Never been NPL or restructuring in the past 3 years.
  3. Have been in the industry for 3 or more years.
  4. Audited financial statement with 3 year consecutive profit and net worth (Juristic).
  5. Credit bureau consent both borrower and guarantor.


Required Documents
- Copy of Identity cards, House registration, /Name or Surname Changed form / Marriage registration form
- Certificate of Business Objective / Shareholders
- Certificate of Business Registration  
- Bank Statement in the past 6 months
- Credit bureau consent
- Copy of legal estate/mortgage

Contact us

  • 26 SMEs business centers
  • All branches nationwide at United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited
  • Biz Call Center Tel. 0-2343-3555
  • UOB Call Center Tel. 0-2285-1555

We're here to help

26 SMEs business centers

    Biz Call Center Tel. 0-2343-3555 UOB Call Center Tel. 0-2285-1555