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More than 1,500 UOB Thailand colleagues, customers and business partners united
at UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk to raise funds for charities

UOB Thailand raised 3 million baht to provide children in need with food support and a digital future

More than 1,500 UOB Thailand colleagues, their families, customers and business partners rallied together for the Bank’s annual UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk event, raising 3 million baht to improve the lives of disadvantaged children. 

The UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk is an annual flagship volunteering and fundraising programme held by UOB globally across 18 markets. In line with the Bank’s brand promise to do right by its communities, the funds raised in Thailand will primarily support the Thailand Collaboration for Education (TCFE), FOOD FOR GOOD programme, and the Scholars of Sustenance (SOS). These charities will use the funds to expand ongoing efforts aimed at improving the lives of disadvantaged families and better equipping youths with digital tools and online education programmes. 

Mr Tan Choon Hin, President and Chief Executive Officer of UOB Thailand, ran the three-kilometre route at the event. He said, “The UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk illustrates our commitment to doing right by our communities by improving the well-being of our communities and supporting their social development. Every year, UOB employees demonstrate their giving spirit through active volunteerism and fundraising. This is also an opportunity to bring our families, like-minded friends, and business partners together to keep the good going. I believe that the funds raised from the event will make a significant difference in the lives of our beneficiaries by assisting them in meeting their daily living necessities and providing them with skills to fulfil the demands of a digital future.” 

UOB Heartbeat returns for a physical run and walk 
The 2022 UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk event resumes the annual tradition of a physical run and walk in Thailand, with the in-person event being held at Chatuchak Park. Other than Thailand, four other markets namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam, also held a physical UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk event on the same day. 

UOB Thailand has also stepped up on its green initiatives for this year's physical UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk to reduce the event's ecological footprint. These initiatives include developing a medal that can be used as a glass coaster; saving paper by digitising the registration process and collecting race bibs; setting up recycling bins to collect all plastic water bottles and encouraging all participants to bring their own water bottles; and establishing two waste segregation stations to collect all forms of garbage for recycling. In collaboration with GEPP Sa-Ard, a digital waste platform and solution for the recycling community, all separated wastes collected at the event will be recycled into different products, such as organic fertilisers from food waste. 

The UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk is part of the Bank’s ongoing UOB Heartbeat Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, which aims to create sustainable good for more caring and inclusive societies through corporate philanthropy, stakeholder partnerships and employee participation. Guided by the Bank’s Values of Honour, Enterprise, Unity and Commitment, UOB draws together colleagues, customers and business partners to make a positive difference to our communities.

17 October 2022
For More information, please contact
Strategic Communications and Brand
UOB Thailand
Nida Puwanich Tel. 0-2343-4963