Facility and Collateral

  • Minimum facility limit 3 Million Baht
  • Maximum facility limit of 20 Million Baht
  • No collateral is required
  • Facility:
    • Facility for import i.e. Letter of Credit (L/C), Trust Receipt (T/R)
    • Facility for Export i.e. Packing Credit
    • F/X
    • Overdraft, Promissory note and L/G

Remark: All commercial loans, lines of credit, and collateral requirement are subject to satisfaction of credit approval.

Features and Eligibility

  • Individual or Juristic registered in Thailand with annual revenues generally ranging no more than 240 Million Baht.
  • Never been NPL or restructuring in the past 3 years.
  • Have been in the industry for 3 or more years.

Remark: Current interest rate is per bank's announcement and Bank reserves the right to change the conditions without making prior notice.

Required documents

Information needed to complete your lending application

Required Documents
Copy of Identity cards, House registration, /Name or Surname Changed form / Marriage registration form
Certificate of Business Objective / Shareholders
Certificate of Business Registration  
Copy of The value added tax (VAT) registration/Copy of corporate income tax and receipt (Past 6 months)
Bank Statement in the past 6 months
Three Samples invoices from main suppliers
Credit bureau consent
Copy of existing lending contract and repayment receipt in the past 6 months (in case of refinance)

Contact us

  • 26 SMEs business centers
  • All branches nationwide at United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited
  • Biz Call Center Tel. 0-2343-3555
  • UOB Call Center Tel. 0-2285-1555

We're here to help

26 SMEs business centers

    Biz Call Center Tel. 0-2343-3555 UOB Call Center Tel. 0-2285-1555